A quarterly magazine covering the advent of sci-fi and dystopian themes within Japanese manga. With an emphasis on retro titles from the 80s and 90s, we will explore how tech, artificial intelligence, architecture, and the future was envisioned.
Since time immemorial, Japan as a culture has been grappling with traumas of forces coming to reek havoc. From opening their borders to the rest of the world in 1853 to the bombings and decimation in WWII by the US, It’s not surprising to see a correlation and use of cathartic exorcism in their media.
Throughout all sub-genres you see a practice of reliving these horrors through different narrative vehicles. But one takes more precedence over them all, Science Fiction.
Needed to create a magazine that covers the more existential subject matters of Japanese anime from the 80s, 90s, and early 00s. Establish a design system for the layout to use on a quarterly cycle, brand identity and assets for the layout template and any additional collateral they might need.
The demographic for such a publication would be predominantly, but not exclusively males from the ages of 14 to 44 years of age. Though we do see a uptick in this pattern waining.
The readers tend to be into all things STEM related. Their economic background will vary but we do see somewhere between upper and lower middle class individuals with some college background, and surplus income being the main consumer of the physical format.
Age: 24
Pronouns: He/him
Occupation: IT
James hails from an affluent background and works in IT. He prides himself on his hacking skills and is a huge fan of almost all things sci-fi. He loves board games and actively participates in a D&D group outside of work.
Age: 14
Pronouns: They/them
Occupation: Retail
Octavio is a young, capable, but introverted individual. They love video games and mangas and are deeply passionate about all things STEM. They work part-time while attending school to save up for a new computer. As an aspiring animator, Octavio dreams of visiting the Ghibli theme park in Japan one day.
Age: 32
Pronouns: She/her
Occupation: Digital Librarian
Toni is a bit of a homebody but maintains a tight circle of friends with whom she occasionally streams online while gaming. She has some college experience but doesn’t find satisfaction in her profession. Toni has a fondness for Soviet architecture, specifically Brutalism, and enjoys comics, manga, and the latest electronics.
I created a magazine layout that works on a quarterly cycle. I established a brand identity and design system that captures the feel and aesthetic that fits the content the magazine will cover, and that their readers will identify with.